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mini blade fuse Vendor.What tips should be paid attention to when selecting SMD fuses





  Chip fuse is a relatively high-tech new variety in the small fuse industry. Chip fuse can be divided into disposable chip fuse and chip self recovery fuse. Disposable chip fuse, also known as chip current fuse, needs to be replaced after protection, and after self recovery fuse protection, power is cut off, it can be restored on its own and can be reused.

  The disposable patch current fuses can be divided into the following models based on size and performance:

  (1) According to size, products can be divided into: 0402, 0603, 1206241061251032.

  (2) According to performance, products can be divided into three types: fast melting, slow melting, and enhanced melting heat energy. The SMD fuse quick blow series is suitable for protecting important components that quickly respond in circuits, and is generally used in situations where surge currents rarely occur; The slow fuse series is suitable for situations where large surge currents often occur in circuits; The enhanced melting heat energy series is somewhere between the two, with strong surge resistance and relatively economical applications.

  SMD self recovery fuses can be classified into sizes such as 0603, 0805, 1206, 1210, 1812, 2018, 2920, etc.

  Chip fuses have high requirements and are mainly made of semiconductor polymers with ultra-low internal resistance, suitable for overcurrent protection such as surges. Computer peripheral products, communication devices such as mobile phones, digital cameras, monitors, and batteries are commonly used

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